Congenital Deformities of Face and Hand
Congenital disorder or anomaly is basically defects in or damage that occur in a developing fetus. It can be due to the genetic abnormalities, intrauterine environment, infection or a chromosomal abnormality. The result of the disorder will further depend on the difficult interactions between the pre-natal deficit and post-natal atmosphere. Plastic surgeon will be able to deal with various congenital deformities with reconstructive surgeries mostly aimed at restoring function,correcting disfigurement and lastly to also avoid further complications. People who have congenital deformities of face and hand can now live longer and healthier lives. There are many programs all across the country that offers extensive, long-term management and care to people with congenital deformities
What are the most common congenital birth defects?
- Birthmarks – There are various types of birthmarks that are small, discolored patch on the skin to large, growths that causing disfigurement.
- Cleft Lip and Palate – It is one of the most common facial abnormalities. Children can be born with a cleft clip, cleft palate or may have both. Surgery depends on the seriousness of the defect. For example, in case of cleft lip, the defect can be from minor to a complete split. With a cleft palate, the separation can be minor or can occur from the back. In some case, surgeries may be required to correct the defects.
- Ear defects – abnormalities related to the ear can occur alone or along with the other birth defects. In any case, hearing will be affected. Some examples of ear defects will also include:
- Anotia – complete absence of either ear, which can be treated using grafts or flaps, with cartilage inserted to create a normal ear shape.
- Other conditions – can include macrotia, which is a larger ear deformity, or other conditions like lop ear or cup ear.
- Microtia – A defect in which a lump of soft tissue exists at the site where the ear would usually appear.
- Hand defects
- Macrodactyly (abnormally sized fingers or toes)– Abnormally sized fingers or toes are condition that can present right away at birth, or can increase when a child is one to two years old. Reconstructive surgery is used to correct these defect.
- Syndactyly – a condition in which two or more fingers of the hand or foot are joined together. This can be corrected surgically once the child is two to three years old.
- Polydactyly – a condition in which there are extra digits in the hand or foot. This condition can be corrected surgically once the child is two to three years old.