The very concept of liposuction is very simple. It is a surgical technique which helps in enhancing the body’s contour by reducing excess fat from deposits between the skin and muscle. Liposuction includes using a small tube, which is called a cannula. The cannula is connected to a suction pump and is inserted into the fat through incisions in the skin. Suction creates tunnels through fatty layers and retrieves the fat out. When the surgery is done, these tunnels collapse and results in improved and enhanced body contour. Liposuction is both for men and women having relatively normal weight but having localized fat deposits in few areas of the body which do not respond to dieting or exercise. Liposuction can be very helpful in reducing them. Any age candidates can benefit from this procedure providing enough skin elasticity to retract to the normal position. Patients who have flaccid skin might require undergoing a combined procedure including skin resection. Patients who also have depressions in their bodies can profit from liposculpture.
There are a lot of ways to do liposuction and it can be accomplished painlessly either by local anesthesia or with general anesthesia. In the sphere of liposuction, highest speed and highest volume of aspirate are not the basis for excellence. Excellence is counted in terms of patient happiness which is a function of finesse, safety, patient comfort and quality results. Surgeon’sspecialty is not as important as the surgeon’s technique, experience and attitude towards safety. Liposuction cost is an important factor while considering liposuction surgery.
Types of Liposuction
- Tumescent liposuction. With the help of this technique, the surgeon injects a solution into the fatty areas before the fat is detached. The solution is a saline solution made up of a mild painkiller and epinephrine, which is a drug that contracts your blood vessels. This solution helps in removing the fat easily, reducing blood loss, and easing pain during and after surgery.
- Ultrasound-assisted liposuction. Ultrasonic energy is used to dissolve the fat, which is then removed from your body.
Quick Facts About Liposuction
60 Minutes to 5 hours depending on the extent of fat removal.
General Anaesthesia, sometimes can be done under local anaesthesia
Usually a day care procedure, home the same day, overnight stay for large volume liposuction.
Initial Mild discomfort, Watery discharge in first 24 hours, Early ambulation but minimal activity for a few days; normal activity within 1 week and strenuous activity in 1 month.
swelling, bruising usually subsides within 7 to 10 days
Serious complications while possible, are unlikely:
- ComplicationsMost potential complications can be avoided by carefully following your surgeon’s instructions.
- In addition to the usual risks associated with anaesthesia, other risks involved are:
- Tissue loss: rarely occurs but usually involves skin above pubic hair; smoking, poorly controlled diabetes increase the risk.
- Hematoma
- Seroma